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Good morning!! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!! It has been quite snowy and cold here the last few days!  This girl has literally been trapped in her house for four days straight.  Needless to say I am going a bit stir crazy.  Reorganizing, cleaning my beauty products, and dreaming of spring is the only way I am getting through these bitter temps.  Here are some of my spring cleaning tips to get you started on the path to a fresh new look for spring!

1. Toss out any expired products, stat!

2. I don’t know about you, but I acquire quite a bit of beauty products that I simply will not use.  I get samples through box subscriptions that are just the wrong color or that I don’t use in my normal skin routine.  Solution: have a trade party! Get a few of your friends together, pop some bubbly, and trade those products for things you will actually use!


3. Take every. single. thing. out of your shower and give it a good scrub.  Then replace it with staples that you will use every time you get in the shower.  I find that I tend to clutter my products and it makes it hard to find what I need to use.  Simplifying can help you to maintain a consistent beauty routine!


4. Trade out seasonal colors and clean those brushes.  Every season I try to dedicate a Saturday afternoon to makeup rotation.  For spring, trade out those reds for pinks and reintroduce your bronzers!  I also try to make sure I have foundations that have SPF in them for those warmer days where I might be outside more often!


5. The final piece I am adding to my mix of spring cleaning, is a consistent night and morning routine.  I am trying to be better about flossing–Hi, Mom!–and now that my 30’s are rapidly approaching–a more consistent anti-aging routine.  You can never start too early? Am I right?!

What are your spring cleaning and beauty tips?  Just a few more weeks, friends! We can do this and let’s refresh our spring beauty routine with Meijer this season!! Head here to take a peek at their beauty book for some beauty tips and money saving coupons!

Happy Monday!

*I was compensated for this post, but all opinions are my own.