
This blog was inspired by two sisters who dream of…

…Paris rainstorms in our Wellies…

…colorful macarons for breakfast…

…French baguettes with soft brie…

…daily visits to the Louvre and Lauderée…

…tours of the Eiffel tower in our cardigans and ballet flats…

…espressos at every chic café we find…

…endless smiles and laughs in the City of Love…

Won’t you join us as we plan for Paris?

Erin is a teacher and lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, Matt, 2-year old, Eleanor, and baby girl, Claire!

Natalie is in her fourth year of residency and lives in Memphis, Tennessee with her husband, Tad, and puppies, Wilson and Maggie.

14 thoughts on “ABOUT US”

  1. Connie White said:

    I LOVE your Blog. I am so excited to finally figure out how to confirm getting the E-Mail notifications…Your number 1 fan.

  2. Whitney said:

    Congratulations to the lovely White sisters on this fabulous accomplishment! Can’t wait to follow you girls on this blog!

  3. thanks for following my blog. I love your recipes! I hope you guys keep cranking them out! If you get around to trying any of mine I would sure appreciate your feedback.

    • Richmond Treats and Kansas City Eats said:

      Thank you so much! We’ll definitely be trying out some of your recipes soon! Love your blog as well!

  4. Just checked out your blog. How exciting! I hope all of your Paris dreams become a reality 🙂

  5. I am so happy I found your blog! I love Paris. Who doesn’t dream of going there, right? So lovely! My ultimate fantasy would be to have a fashion spree…swoon!

    Have a pretty day!


  6. Cutest little blog! Cutest little name! Please pack me in your suitcase when you go. Merci, Noelani

  7. Maybe I’ll see you there. I have a dream to move to Paris as well!

  8. It was so nice meeting you today @ the lunch! I added you to my local blogs list:: http://girlaboutcolumbus.com/read/local-blogs/ 🙂

  9. It was so nice meeting you today @ the lunch! I added you to my local blogs list::: http://girlaboutcolumbus.com/read/local-blogs/ 🙂


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