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Ok, so buying for the man in your life is, at least for me, the most difficult thing on the planet. And lucky me, his birthday is only one short month later. Ugh. Here is a little gift guide for ya that might ease the stress a bit!

1. This Rail and Wharf Dopp Kit is a great grooming carry-all. Very dapper.

2. Hendrick’s Gin. At least in our house, the season of whiskey gingers is ending and the season of gin and tonics is beginning. Nothing says love like a nice bottle of gin.

3. The Food Truck Cookbook. Embarrassingly enough, I’m not that great of a cook. The GREAT news is that Matt rocks. This is a great man cookbook and is definitely a contender for this year’s perfect gift.

4. The perfect polo.

5. Ray–Ban Caravan Sunglasses. Love these.

6. Monogrammed Grill Tools. ‘Tis the grilling season!

Happy Weekend!