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Holy happy Friday!! Yowza it’s been a long week.  I decided it might be time for a little retail therapy.  I mean, was this week seriously long for anyone else??  Maybe it’s because Ohio experienced all four seasons this week?!  Either way, I’m treating myself.  Here’s what I’m loving this week!!

  1. How cute is this list pad?! Neeeeeed!
  2. I’ve been thinking for awhile that I need a keychain that’s on the brighter side.  Finding my keys has become a really annoying struggle lately.  A struggle that feels unnecessary.  This bright keychain is amazing.
  3. Ok.  Has anyone tried Glossier Cloud Paint??  I keep reading that it is best thing since sliced bread.  Anyone local wanna go in on the 2/$30 deal with me??
  4. I know I would never actually light this candle because it’s just so pretty.  So, so pretty.
  5. I will be posting what’s going in my hospital bag this time around here in a few weeks and I’m realllllllly thinking this hair tie needs to be in there.  So Darling.
  6. I couldn’t help myself, I bought Phoebe Fawn for Eleanor’s Easter basket in addition to everything else.  She’s just too cute, plus all Hazel Village dolls are 20% with code SPRINGFLING20 at Baby Cubby!
  7. The prettiest spring polish.
  8. I will be doing a whole spring/summer toddler clothing post next week, but I’m ordering these shoes for E as we speak.  Her sweet toes in these sparkly shoes is more than my heart can handle.  I can’t wait.
  9. My sister got me these shoes for my birthday and I was finally able to bust them out yesterday, you know, before it started it snowing today.  I absolutely love these shoes (I also have them in the brown color) and bonus…all shoes at Target are buy one get one 50% off right now!
  10. E is going through a sticker phase and it keeps her little fingers busy at restaurants, church, etc…I have been saving stickers for her for years because I knew if she was anything like me she would be sticker obsessed, but we are already running low so I am officially stocking up!!

Ok. So, what else do I need?  Give me all the things!

Hope you lovelies have a great weekend!